Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Mum Money At Home

The idea behind this blog is quite simply to track my efforts to make or save money while juggling work, life and home.

I gave up going out to work at the beginning of this year to look after our daughter and since then have been absorbed in learning how to be a 'good-enough' mum (to try and be a perfect mum is self-defeating). Now a year after her birth I feel, need and want to bring some money in for our family but without having to leave home to do it. Hmmm a task which appears to be somewhat like mission impossible. Just from a quick search of the web you can uncover hundreds of sites promising to make me rich by just one click of a button .... oh and did I mention they also want a couple of pounds up-front to get this information. So I am hunting for legitimate ways that can bring in or save a few pennies.

Anything I try I will record here to hopefully help others out there who are also trying to make a life at home.

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